Category Sustainability

Megalithic Institute A Trip to KabunKita, Layuh HST

Conservation is a concept that society today is familiar with, but in fact, it is jargon that still requires concrete execution. Theodore Roosevelt’s (1902) definition of conservation represents all evolving conservation concepts, notably that conservation is derived from the words con (together/together) and serve (keep/save/maintain). When translated into phrases, it…

Peresmian Prasasti Titian Musang, Papagaran HST

Prasasti Titian Musang resmi bertengger di Puncak Titian Musang yang terletak di Kampung Papagaran, Desa Patikalain, Kecamatan Hantakan, Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Tengah Pada hari Senin, 01 November 2021. Puncak Titian Musang merupakan salah satu tempat konservasi alam dan objek wisata terpadu yang menyajikan pusat edukasi dan pemandangan gunung meratus. Konsep…

Plastics and sustainable future – is it possible?

ngr plastic waste

The disposal of plastics is a worldwide issue. They are practically indestructible in natural conditions, yet are widely discarded on a global basis. Every year, the world generates approximately 359 million metric tons of plastic. Nature is unable to address the volume of their disposal at a rate quick enough…